Embody focuses on manual treatment techniques for all genders
Myofascial Release
Manual, hands-on treatments which focus on releasing tightened muscles, tendons and fascia. Includes the following:
Trigger Point Release
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue Mobilization
Strain / Counterstrain
Active Release Techniques
Contract / Relax Techniques
Dry Needling
Joint Mobilizations
Manual, hand-on techniques of moving or mobilizing the capsule around a joint to improve blood flow and lubrication to a joint, improve alignment of the joint and improve range of motion of the joint. Common joint mobilizations include:
Cervical Spine
Thoracic Spine
Lumbar Spine
Rib Joints
Shoulder Joint
Pelvis and Sacroiliac (SI) Joints
Hip Joints
Knee Joints
Ankle Joints
Therapeutic Exercise & Releases
We work with you on developing a personalized home exercise program to re-educate the body to stay in the appropriate alignment. This often includes self-release techniques, stretches and appropriate strengthening and stability exercises. These are typically taught to the patient and reviewed briefly in the session to ensure being done correctly. However, the patient is responsible for performing these exercises independently at home daily.
Connective Tissue Mobilization
Manual, hands-on treatments which focus on releasing restrictions caused by connective tissues such as fascia and ligaments. Includes the following:
Scar Mobilization and Release
Cupping or Myofascial Decompression
Scrapping or Graston Techniques
Visceral Mobilizations
Nerve Mobilization & Calming
Can include manual, hands-on techniques, exercises and breathing techniques to help glide nerves for better mobility and calm sympathetic nerves which may be overexcited. Techniques include:
Nerve Glides
Skin Rolling
Breathing Techniques
Meditation Techniques
Craniosacral Therapy
Dry Needling
We often provide different education to our patients to help manage their symptoms independently at home. Education topics may include:
Normal bowel & bladder habits
Bladder retraining & urge deference
Anti-inflammatory Diets
Medications to discuss with MD
Meditation Techniques
Breathing Techniques
Running Programs / Gym Progressions